Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 20- Happy New Year!

Boys in blue again! No pink booties!

This is one of two stuffed monkeys I got from build a bear with my voice recorded inside. We playthem for the boys at each visit. Today Yuri would grab his and hold it to his ear. AWW! He would switch ears, back and forth. What a sweetie!!

Mommy and Bohdan kisses!

Patty cake with Daddy!

Our new years picture with the staff at the coffee shop. Starting from the left Ena, Anton, Marina, Josh, Vika, Yuri, Me, and the Chief. He is the manager of a few of the shops, I never got his name, oops!

Our New Year was interesting to say the least! It was very good minus spending it with our children. We were invited to a small get together with our friends from the coffee shop. The spread was amazing with chamagne (sp) and salads, and chocolate and pasteries! Oh my it was good!! What a great time of fellowship. I got to share how the Lord has worked to bring us here and allowed this adoption. I thanked the Lord for all them in a toast I gave. Small seeds but God can use anything!
The eveing was interesting. There are no firework bans or noise ordinances which made for an eventful night. Everyone was shooting off big fireworks and our apartment was thumping to heavy metal which actually isn't anything new except last night is was exponetially more!!! Our neighbors above us were setting off fireworks from their balcony and it scared me out of bed! LOL. No big deal except we still had to wake up at a decent hour to visit the boys.
The main firework displays were amazing!! When we went to the orphanage today there was no one on the streets. We figured they were either tired from staying up so late (like us) or they were burned from all the firecrakers LOL!
The boys were good but got antsy near the end. Per our request the nannies brought us thier bottles which we fed them. It was definitely a better way to end the visit. Yuri ate all his food but very little of his juice. Bohdan, on the other hand, is an eating champ! He finished his in record time. I tried to slow him down but once the bottle hit his mouth it was full blast eating!!!
Happy new year to you all and may God richely bless you as He has blessed us!!


  1. Seriously - You are getting the best pictures of the 'before.' In just a few short months you are going to look back at those pictures and marvel at how much those boys have changed.... Can't wait for those pictures!

  2. Happy New Year! What an exciting 2011 you have in store for your family! Little Bohdan, so tiny but eats so well! I wonder if he and Hailee both have CF or something else affecting their growth? I'm sure you'll have him thoroughly checked over once you get home :o) Are you returning to the states for your 10 day wait or will you be staying in EE?

  3. Aaaahhhhh....seeet little lovies. I am so glad that they are allowing you to feed them. Does that mean that neither boy gets solid food yet?

    How wonderful that you had such a great New Year with new friends. God knew what you needed :)

    So close to court. So very close.

  4. Happy New Year Autumn!!! I agree with Julia...I can't WAIT to see the "after" pics once you are home!!

  5. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! your boys are soooo sweet!!


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