Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Please Pray we get out of DC!!!.


  1. Praying. I was just talking to my friend in DC, she is stuck in traffic due to all the snow, and I was thinking about y'all. Covering you all in prayers. It's the final stretch, hang in there!! Amy

  2. Your in the states? The whole East Coast is getting another storm. Praying! We won't give up or leave you uncovered. You're almost HOME! I can't wait to see those words that you are home.

  3. Praying that you already made it out, but if not I just emailed you. Let me know if you need anything!

  4. praying! And congratulations on being back on US soil!!! Even if it is covered in nearly a foot of snow..... Yay! Hope you make it that final leg tonight!!!

  5. Oh no! The snow!! I sure hope you were able to get out! And that you are almost home!

  6. Love & positive energy on it's way!!!!

  7. Praying since there is no other post you got out before it got to bad. Hoping you are now home with the boys. Looking forward to following along and hearing how the boys are at home and being loved constantly.


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